Mars 'Frass Meteorite' With
Complete Alien Insect Inside (?)
On eBay

Frass Meteorite - alien flying insect
Item #135775120
BID Starts at - $1,000,000
First bid - $1,000,000
Quantity - 1
Location - TEXAS
Started - 07/22/99, 21:15:53 PDT
Ends - 08/01/99, 21:15:53 PDT
Seller - gravionmike
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unless otherwise noted.
Description - Frass Meteorite - alien flying insect "Blindy"
This Martian "fly" represents one of the life forms that came from the interior of the Frass Meteorite. It is shown above next to a stick pin, so that you may judge the size of this unique object. This object must be more than 13 million years old, the age of the gray portion of the Frass Meteorite since it represents part of the contents of one of the vesicles of this rock. It is not fossilized, it is the actual dead animal. Particles found near this object have been K/Ar dated at 49 million years old. This object was probably alive during the time when Mars still had an ocean and an atmosphere and I am guessing its age at 40 to 45 million years old. It is still covered with fine particles of the Martian ocean bed, where sand and gentle water coated this object after it died. This object shows that Mars had enough atmosphere to support flying insects, and that Mars still had liquid water after its death..
"Blindy" the insect
This object has three body parts and six legs, much like terrestrial insects. However, the object doesn't seem to have any eyes or other specialization on its head, except for the two large antennae and something hanging down on the bottom of its head.. Another object from the Frass Meteorite (Spidy) that still has its head intact, also doesn't appear to have any eyes. My guess, at this point, is that the Martian atmosphere was pretty thick and hazy and not much light actually made it to the surface of Mars and thus eyes, as we know them, never developed on Mars. Maybe instead of the red planet, we might need to call Mars the dark planet. As you can see, this object is covered with sand. There is even a fine layer of sand between the wings, which tells me the object was completely submersed in water at some point. There appear to be two large wings and two small wings which are white or crystalline in color. The wings have cilia projecting from their edges. The body parts and head are all shiny black. You can see a little of the shine coming through in the pictures above, but under my microscope, the entire body has this shiny black surface. The legs are gold or yellow in color and the rear pair extend past the length of the body. Each leg appears to have a hook on the end. The middle pair are hanging down in the right picture above and the front pair are folded next to the body. My microscope can not detect a mouth, but there is a fine line that goes across the head part in the proper place and there are some "hair like" appendages that seem to stick down in this same area. This appendage can be seen in the close-up of the head in the center picture above. It may have absorbed its nutrients through these appendages, rather than having a "mouth." The antennae start in the middle of the head and travel in a parallel line up the head, before they "turn" and head off in each direction. Each antennae is larger at the ends than where it attaches to the head. There appears to be fine cilia on the antennae. All of these observations are made by looking at this object for a few days through my microscope which has a maximum magnification of about 90X. Of course, these are all my early opinions, the object is covered in sand, my microscope and tools are limited, and so my opinions are subject to change upon additional evidence and better magnification.
I'm looking for people who can evaluate their own evidence, believe in their own abilities, and don't need a meteorite "expert" to tell them what to believe. This rock represents a new type of meteorite made from active volcanoes on other planets and qualifies as a meteorite because it fell from the sky, not because a meteorite "expert" proclaimed it to be a "meteorite."
Highesr bidder will be allowed to make a 10% deposit with Ebay and examine the object for one month, before deciding if it is from Mars and whether it represents a unique object or not. If you determine that it is not from Mars, then all money and the "flying insect" will be returned. If after 30 days, you agree that the object is from Mars, then the entire bid will be paid and the transaction declared complete. The object can not be harmed in any way during this evaluation period.
E-Mail me for answers to any questions at <
Some of the evidence the Frass Meteorite is from Mars includes:
* Appeared one day in a place that it had never been before and which doesn't have volcanic rocks.
* Collected by a competent observer who was familiar with meteorites.
* Two of five elemental oxides chemistry tests show "Martian" by all accounts. These two samples represents the contents of the Frass Meteorite and were selected because I thought they would most resemble the measurements made by the Pathfinder, while it was still working on Mars. The two tests which the meteorite "experts" claim as terrestrial, moved into terrestrial territory because the samples represent some of the last volcanic activity on Mars, represent side vent expulsions rather than main vent expulsions, and represent material that has been made in the wake of living organisms, which tend to concentrate certain elements.
* All five elemental oxides tests map in a linear fashion throughout every combination of elements. This means that the meteorite and all of its contents come from the same source material and thus the same volcano. The five tests represent the entire range of values as shown on Earth. Thus the tests indicate that the same volcanic system was active for a minimum of tens of millions of years, and was probably active the entire history of Mars.
* The youngest rock has the "oldest" chemistry. The gray rock portion of the Frass Meteorite was created only 13 million years ago, yet its chemistry shows that it hasn't been melted as much as the other material. The rock that became the gray portion of the Frass Meteorite was originally created in the giant flows that occurred in the early days of the volcano, probably more than a billion years ago. Then, as the volcano began to "die" it began venting material through side vents. This would involve remelting the older rock, thereby resetting its K/Ar date. This is how the youngest rock could have the oldest chemistry, older than the other pieces of volcanic debris inside the Frass Meteorite.
* The core sample shows the rock is made of numerous vesicles of varying size, each of which is filled with what appears to be ocean bottom material comprised of sand, clay, and numerous debris of the bodies of once living creatures. The rock is so delicate that I was able to drive a 1/2 inch piece of copper tubing through more than half the meteorite to retrieve these core samples. Every vesicle wall is coated with the sandy material, apparently melted there by the flow of hot lava.
* Nothing inside has been touched since the day it was captured by the flowing lava.
* The Frass Meteorite looks like many of the rocks we see on Mars. Many of these rocks are abnormally round in shape, many have large crevices, many have red streaks through them, and they all have butterscotch colored sand in the outer vesicles. On the Frass Meteorite, the butterscotch colored sand has actually been fused into the outer vesicles by the heat of entry through our atmosphere. The Frass Meteorite shows all of the characteristics listed above.
* The entire outer (exposed) surface of the Frass Meteorite is melted. The meteorite experts say that the rock doesn't have enough melting and it isn't the right color. I would say that since the surface area of this rock is many times the surface area of "flat" meteorites, that the rock shows the proper amount of melting for its structure, composition, shape, and flight characteristics. Three geologist have said it is melted and all lay people who look can see the fusion crust. The fusion crust is mainly visible on those parts of the rock that stick out the most. The fusion crust color varies depending upon the type of rock that was melted. Most of the fusion crust is kind of a purple color, some is brown, some is black, some is red, and some is butterscotch colored. All things a reasonable person would expect.
* Magnetic dust is contained within the sand and clay contents of the vesicles of the Frass Meteorite. It is the same color as the magnetic dust collected by Pathfinder on Mars.
* The rock doesn't appear to have been in the presence of water since the gray portion of the rock was made 13 million years ago.
* The angular nature of much of the sand and particles that have come from within the Frass Meteorite clearly show that this very old material has not been in the presence of enough water to round off the rough edges. Many pieces of the older lava particles show to have been under water, yet they are still so delicate one can break them with a finger nail. This material could never have survived more than 50 million years on Earth.
* The age of the Frass Meteorite parts are now very much in line with NASA's own conclusions that Mars probably had active volcanoes as little as 40 million years ago. The ocean of Mars was probably very much tied to the activity of these old volcanoes, since they kept the ocean and atmosphere resupplied with water and other gasses. I suspect that the 49 million year old red rock actually sat in the ocean and later the ocean retreated and left them exposed.
* Evidence from the meteorite shows that 36 million years passed between the red flow and the gray flow. During this time, less than 1/16th of an inch of "dust" appeared. The red rocks appeared to have been on the surface of Mars, when they were covered by the gray rock, yet in that extended time, almost nothing happened. This is what one would expect of the Mars that we know today.
* Small glass particles found in the outer vesicles show that the rock was heated past 1000 degrees F., after the sand was deposited. The best explanation is that these vesicles were heated to this extent while the rock was coming through our atmosphere, after it had collected the sand on Mars. There is no terrestrial explanation.
* The delicate nature of the rock and its contents are proof of its creation under a weak gravitational field. Any of the inside material can be broken with a finger nail. (This explains why so many rocks on Mars are round. They are very brittle and the slightest movement breaks off the thin walls between the vesicles along the outer surfaces, causing them to become round.) The outside is slightly harder on the Frass Meteorite, since it was melted during its travel through our atmosphere, but all of the rock is very delicate and could be broken into a million pieces by throwing it hard against a concrete surface. You can't tell me that a rock this delicate could survive on Earth for more than 13 million years without being completely destroyed by natural events. I have the evidence that this rock is extraterrestrial, I just don't have the "opinions" of the meteorite "experts."
For more information on the Frass Meteorite evidence, go to
For more information on the life forms found within the Frass Meteorite, go to
For more information on the extent of my "battle" to bring the Frass Meteorite to the people of the world, go to and especially the document labeled "Review," which is my review of the analysis of the rock done by the meteorite "expert" community.
For more information on the infinite cosmos model, go to
For more information on the gravionic model of physical systems, go to
For other Frass Meteorite "parts" that are currently for sale, go to and select µcollectables.
For an overview of all of my sites, go to
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Frass Meteorite - alien flying insect (Item #135775120)
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From Chris <>
Dear Mr. Rense,
I read your article on this supposed meteor from Mars containing a bug. While it did incite a grin from me I can't possibly believe someone would be foolish enough to buy this item. Perhaps the seller is hoping that no one will notice his inconsistancies and someone will give him that ten percent down so he can take it and vanish. He states the experts say it is not a meteor but is still billing it as such. He goes on to state the one thing that any logical person would see makes this item something other than a meteor. He says the "meteor" is so soft he was able to drive copper tubing into it and that the inside material will flake and crumble at the touch of a fingernail.
Now, perhaps I am wrong and someone can correct me on this but, wouldn't a material that brittle,delicate, whatever word you wish to describe it as, simply vaporize on impact? I mean let's look at it this way you drop a glass bottle >from a high enough height and it will go through a car. Will there be much of the bottle left?? My guess is no not much of the bottle will remain as much of it would be instantly turned into a fine powder upon impact. I would suppose therefore that material soft enough to use copper tubing to get core samples >from and that broke from a fingernail touch would do the same as the bottle. If you choose to post this as a response perhaps a more knowledgeable reader to the site could provide answers as to wether my thinking is terribly incorrect or pretty much correct.
Chris >