David Icke's Bestseller:
'The Biggest Secret' - Excerpt
The Biggest Secret
By David Icke
Conquered By The Cross - Chapter 5 Excerpt


Page 103
The Christian Church is a farce founded on a fantasy. If anyone requires confirmation of how easy it is for the few to control the masses, they need look no further than the billions of people who have worshipped the fairy tales peddled these past 2,000 years by men in long frocks. And what goes for Christianity goes for the rest of them, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and all the rest.
These religions were created by the same force to achieve the same effect and, therefore, the saviour-god myths throughout the ancient world have an identical game plan:
1 You are born with original sin and so you are an unworthy piece of shit from the day you arrive on the planet.
2 You can only be saved by believing in the 'Saviour' and that means doing what the priesthood tell you to do.
3 If you don't do that, you will be condemned to the bowels of hell forever.
What guilt and terror this has created over thousands of years. I have heard Roman Catholic mothers in anguish after their babies have died wondering what will have happened to them. The babies couldn't believe in Jesus because they were only a few days old, so would they go to heaven or hell?
I was watching a Roman Catholic television channel in the United States and the guy with the long frock was asked about that. He said it was a profound theological question. Oh really? He said that either the baby's soul would go into limbo (until when one wonders?) or it would be judged on the behaviour of the parents. What staggering nonsense. Thank goodness the baby won't be judged on the behaviour of the priests. And if you can only be saved by believing in Jesus, what about all those billions of people throughout the period of Christianity who lived in vast areas of the world who had never heard of Jesus? Are they all condemned by lack of information to stoke the fires, too? Bit of an arsehole, this Christian God, eh? But of course it's not true. It's all make-believe, conjured up by the Babylonian Brotherhood initiates of the reptilians to control the minds of the masses.
When I was writing this section of the book and investigating where the Gospels came from, I was reaching to take a book from a high shelf in my office. As I pulled the book down, another smaller one fell to the floor. I don't remember seeing it before, but the title immediately caught my attention. It was 'The True Authorship of The New Testament' by Abelard Reuchlin, first printed in the United States in 1979.(1)
It talked about an inner circle or inner ring, the most exclusive club in history, who knew the 'Great Secret'. In this circle were those religious, political and literary leaders, who knew the truth about Jesus, but did not want anyone else to know. What struck me was that this book came to the same conclusions that I had.
The Gospels are an invention designed to manufacture a new prison-religion.
The book doesn't go into all the symbolism I have documented here, but it does name the family and others who wrote the New Testament and the codes they used to 'sign' their authorship.
One of these codes, interestingly, is the number 40 I highlighted earlier. Forty was also represented by the letter M, as in Mary. The letter M is very significant to the Brotherhood still today and we see it everywhere in the symbol of the McDonalds fast food chain. We will see later how the big corporations use Brotherhood symbolism in their logos and names. M means Mary or Madonna, who means Semiramis. The wealth of evidence in Reuchlin's book, much of it complex and dealing with esoteric mathematical codes, is extremely compelling. I do recommend you try to get hold of a copy if you want the full details.
The opening paragraph encapsulates its findings:
"The New Testament, the Church and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso) family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it - Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, John the Baptist - all are fictional. The Pisos created the story and the characters; they tied the story to a specific time and place in history; and they connected it with some peripheral actual people, such as the Herods, Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, etc. But Jesus and everyone involved with him were created (that is fictional!) characters"(2)
The Pisos were a bloodline family descended from statesmen, consuls, poets and historians, and such people would definitely be initiates of the secret society network of the Roman Empire, a major stepping stone for the reptilian full-bloods and crossbreeds to the present day. This is why a Roman soldier is the logo of that Brotherhood operation, American Express.
The Piso family claimed to descend from Calpus who, they said, was the son of Numa Pompilius, the successor to Romulus, the founder of Rome. These were seriously connected people. Such Roman bloodlines are said to have come from Troy and we are looking at a family which goes back to the Caucasus and the Near East.
After the destruction of Troy around 1,200 BC, the story goes that a guy called Aeneas of a 'royal' (that is reptilian) bloodline went with the remnants of his people and settled in Italy. There he married into the royal family of the Latins and through this bloodline later emerged the Roman Empire.
According to many traditions, the grandson of Aeneas, a man called Brutus, landed in Britain around 1,103 BC with a group of Trojans, including some from colonies in Spain, to become King of the Britons and found the city of New Troy - London.
Lucius Calpurnius Piso, the head of the family, was married to the great granddaughter of Herod the Great. According to Reuchlin's research, Piso, who used many pseudonyms, produced his 'Ur Marcus', the first version of the Gospel of Mark, in about 60AD. One of the friends who encouraged him was the famous Roman writer, Annaeus Seneca, but it seems that both of them were killed by the Emperor Nero in the year 65. With this, the name Piso disappears from Roman
history and doesn't reappear until 138 AD when Piso's grandson, Antoninus, became emperor. But from this point the family are mostly known as the Antonines, not the Pisos. In the 73 years between the death of father Piso and the emergence of Antoninus, the foundations for Christianity were written and proclaimed under assumed names. After the death of his father at the hands of Nero, Piso's son, Arius, who used a number of names, including Cestius Gallus, was made governor of Syria. This gave him command over the Roman army in Judea. He was involved in the Judean revolt in 66 AD which Vespasian was sent to Judea to quell.
Emperor Nero was assassinated in 68 AD by an agent of Piso according to Reuchlin. This certainly makes sense if Nero killed his father. With this, the Piso clan threw their power and manipulation behind Vespasian and he became Emperor of Rome in 69 AD. A year later the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, stole the temple treasures, including it is claimed the Ark of the Covenant, and apparently took them back to Rome where they entered the secret society underground. This underground was nothing less than the Babylonian Brotherhood.
Reuchlin says that Arius Calpurnius Piso then wrote three of the Gospels in the following order: The Gospel of Matthew (70-75 AD); the updated Mark (75-80); and, with the help of the Roman writer and statesman, Pliny the Younger, the updated Luke (85-90).
The Gospel of John, the work of Arius's son, Justus, followed in 105.(3) As Reuchlin says, 'Jesus' was a composite figure and the stories include elements of the tales of Joseph in Egypt and other Old Testament characters, plus some Essene writings and characteristics of various Pagan gods. This is precisely what the evidence I have documented confirms. The several Josephs in the story are all the creation of Piso and part of the code.
The letters in the name Piso translate in Hebrew as Yud, Vov, Samech, Fey, and they spell the name, Joseph. Another code Piso used for himself in the stories is the number 60. Reuchlin points out the many similarities between the Jesus story and the one of the Old Testament character, Joseph, which Piso used as a foundation: Joseph had 12 brothers, Jesus 12 disciples; Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (inflation); brother Judah suggests the sale of Joseph, Judas sells Jesus; Joseph is in Egypt where the first born are killed, Jesus and family flee to Egypt to avoid the slaying of male children.
Piso uses his four sons as the disciples, John (Julius), James (Justus), Simon-Peter (Proculus), and Alexander (Andrew).(4)
Julius, Justus and Proculus, would go on to write some later New Testament texts. Piso makes Jesus fulfil a number of Old Testament prophecies, particularly those of Isaiah. Reuchlin says that the Pisos made changes and additions to some Old Testament texts also, and wrote most of the 14 Old Testament books known as the Apocrypha. These included Esdras, 1 Maccabbees, Judith, Tobit, Bel and the Dragon.(5)
The Pisos were Stoics (hence Stoical) and the Stoics believed that people were motivated by, and controllable through, the use of fear and hope(6) (the very methods of the Babylonian Brotherhood).
What better way of describing the religions which have been spawned by the Old and New Testaments?
Another manifestation of Arius Piso, was Flavius Josephus, the writer I have quoted once or twice. The reason that Piso, as Josephus, and his granddaughter's husband Pliny the Younger, do not mention Jesus in their official writings is because
at the time it simply would not have been credible to do so. It was only with the passage of time as the true origin of 'Jesus' was lost that the stories became accepted as 'fact'. The official history of Josephus is that he was a Judean descended from Hasmonean royalty. He fought against the Romans and although his friends committed suicide when the revolt went pear-shaped, he gave himself up and was spared. More than that, we are told he was housed in Rome by the emperors for 30 years while he wrote books on Jewish 'history' and then married his granddaughter into the Roman aristocracy. Oh, do come on. Josephus was the Roman aristocrat, Arius Calpurnius Piso, and together with his sons and Pliny the Younger, they wrote the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament.
Pliny wrote a number of the epistles (letters) under the name St Ignatius, and this same group, under various names, were the early church 'fathers'. And who was to turn this Roman Brotherhood invention into the vast prison-religion it was to become? A Roman emperor in the same Babylonian Brotherhood as the Pisos, called Constantine the Great. What was the vehicle for doing this? The Roman Church based in Rome! Geoffrey Higgins in his epic work, Anacalypsis, shows how Rome was created as a new Babylon. No wonder Christianity is so awash with Babylonian symbols. The whole thing was a set up to create yet another religion to entrap the human mind, and the hierarchy of the Christian Church today know all this! The Church elite have always known this because they are part of the secret society stream which created the myth called Christianity. Cynical lies like the Turin Shroud, which has been connected with the Knights Templar secret society, have been invented to perpetuate the propaganda. The force which invented Jesus and Christianity is the same force which still controls the world today. For instance, the Roman College of Architects was a forerunner of today's Freemasons, only the name has changed. The Romans used the same symbols of the square and compass and so on. A temple used by this college in Pompeii was lost under the eruptions of Vcsuvius in 71 AD and excavators have recovered from the temple a hexagram 'Star of David', a skull and a black and white tracing board first used by the Dionysian Artificers.7 All these symbols are used by today's Freemasons.
The Judean battle against Rome continued until the final defeat of the Zealots in 74 AD at Masada, the flat-topped mountain stronghold overlooking the Dead Sea. It was the last bastion of the Essene community who had evacuated their base further down the coast. As the Judean Zealots were routed by the Romans, many members of the Nazarene secret society headed into Jordan, Mesopotamia, Syria and Turkey, as documented by Julius Africanus, who lived in Turkey around 200 AD. Joseph of Arimathea, the biblical 'uncle' of Jesus, is said to have travelled to France to spread the word. The Vatican librarian, Cardinal Baronius, said that Joseph first arrived in Marseilles in 35 AD and later went on to Britain.8 'Mary Magdalene' and offspring of 'Jesus' are also said to have headed for the South of France after the 'crucifixion'. This is the foundation of the Holy Grail story which claims that the Jesus bloodline became the Merovingians in France. Well that's crap because these people didn't exist and note the source of this story, the librarian of the Vatican Library of the Roman Church in Rome. So what was so special suddenly about Provence and the
South of France? Guess where the Piso family had extensive estates? In Gaul and, more specifically, in... Provence!(9) No wonder the 'vine' (bloodline/knowledge) can be identified in this very part of France. Centuries later it became one version of the Holy Grail story of so much myth and legend. These are the symbolic stories of King Arthur (another 'Sun'), and they can also be seen in the tarot cards and the music and art of Europe for centuries. The Grail has been portrayed as the cup or chalice which held the blood of Jesus at the crucifixion. But this blood was merely symbolic of the blood which flowed in the ancient rituals in which lambs were sacrificed at the spring equinox and, for the more initiated, the bloodlines which go back to the reptilian 'gods'. In the early manuscripts of the Grail stories, the 'Holy Grail' is called the Sangraal. How close this is to the Sang Raal, the Old French term meaning blood royal. This royal blood, as we shall establish, was the bloodlines of the reptilian-human crossbreeds and had nothing to do with 'Jesus'.
The Sun god composite, symbolically known as Jesus, was transformed into a supernatural Son of God by the man we call St Paul, whose original name in the stories was Saul of Tarsus. Officially, St Paul was born to Judean parents and, like them, became a Roman citizen, despite being a Pharisee and a strict adherent to the Hebrew religion. Who else was supposed to be a Judean who became a Roman? Josephus, the pseudonym for Piso, who wrote the Gospels! St Paul, it is said, encouraged the persecution of the early Christians, but had a conversion on the road to Damascus when Jesus miraculously 'appeared' to him and asked: "Why do you persecute me?" However, Paul had three versions of his story. In one he heard the voice of Jesus speak to him (Acts 9:7). In another he saw a great light, but without the voice (Acts 22:9). And in the third, he has Jesus giving him instructions about his future mission (Acts 26:13). Paul was the creation of Pliny the Younger (military name, Maximus) and Justus Piso.10 They introduced into Paul's story many of their friends and associates, and characters from the family's history. For instance, the man called 'Ananias' in Acts who cures Paul of blindness was inspired by Annaeus Seneca who died with father Piso at the hands of Nero.1l And in Romans, you find the phrase: "Greet Herodion my kinsman", a code for the Piso family's connection with Herod the Great.l2 Paul did not spread the Jesus message to Cyprus, Crete, Macedonia, Asia, Greece and Rome. Pliny and the Pisos did. Between 100 and 105 Justus, his father, and Pliny, together with their family, friends and slaves, went to Asia Minor (now Turkey), the Greek cities and Alexandria, among many other places, to 'encourage' the poor and the slaves into joining their new faiths The first churches were created in Bithynia and Pontus by Pliny. He had visited these places a number of times from the year 85 AD and this is the origin of the first name of Pontius Pilate. He was only called Pilate in Matthew and Mark, the first gospels written by the Pisos, but in Luke, the one Piso wrote with Pliny, Pilate suddenly acquires the name, Pontius. Luke was written in the very years that Pliny began to visit Pontus.'4 Pliny's letters, written under his own name, say that Justus Piso was in Bithynia in the years 96 and 98 using the name, Tullius Justus, and that the Pisos also located in Ephesus, the home of the cult and temple to the goddess Diana, another version of Isis, Semiramis, Barati, ad infinitum. As they travelled
they claimed to be apostles and bishops, the successors to their inventions, Peter and Paul. They claimed to be Ignatius (Pliny), Justinus (Justus), Clement of Rome (Julius), Polyvarp (Proculus), and Papias (Julianus, son of Justus).ls By this time, a Piso, I'ompeia Plotina (real name Claudia Phoebe), was the wife of the Roman Emperor, Trajan, and so they had tremendous support from the highest level for their manipulation She also appears as 'our sister Phoebe' and as 'Claudia' and 'Claudine' in the texts called Romans, Timothy and Clement.(17)
The Pisos and Pliny introduced into their stories all the symbols of the Sun religion and Babylonian Brotherhood myths. They locate their Saul/Paul in Tarsus in Asia Minor (now Turkey), the chief city of the Cilicians. This just happens to be a major centre for the Mithra Sun religion and it was the Cilicians who had taken this cult to Rome, from where it spread throughout the empire. Asia Minor was also a region which followed the cult of Dionysus. Both were symbolic Sun gods, born on December 25th, who died so our sins could be forgiven. Everything Christians believe about Jesus, the Romans and Persians believed about Mithra. Sunday was the sacred day for Mithraists because he was a Sun God and they called this The Lord's Day. Dionysus was born to a virgin mother, and he was known as: the Vine, Our Lord, the Saviour, the Judge of the Dead, the Deliverer, the Born Again and the only begotten Son of God. Above the head of Dionysus were the words: "I am Life, Death, and Resurrection, I hold the winged crown (the Sun)."15 The writer, H. G. Wells, pointed out that many of the phrases used by Paul for Jesus were the same as those used by the followers of Mithra. The Liturgy of Mithra is the Liturgy of Jesus. When I'aul says: "They drank from the spiritual rock and that rock was Christ" (I Corinthians 10:4), he was using exactly the same words found in the scriptures of Mithra. Only the names were changed. In the Gospels, Peter became the Christian 'rock' on whom the new church would be built. The Vatican Hill in Rome was said to be sacred to Peter, but this place was also claim....
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By Rupert Chappelle <
concerning david icke's excerpt, i would have to say that the coucil of nicea is what codified and "romanized" christianity. i was under the impression that the oldest texts were in greek until the discovery of the nag hammadi texts in aramaic. now why would this roman conspiracy write their material in greek and aramaic? material from the nag hammadi has been considered closer to the original than the regular gospels by biblical scholars.
the 4 gospels and the others which were "deleted" certainly contained an mix of the mysticism of the day and elements of bacchus and dyonysus were thrown in either to help sell it to the greeks or that it was part of the original "movement" and teachings as well due to cultural context. the lazurus "rebirthing" ritual was also part of the mystery religions bag of tricks as well at the time. miracles and healings were also part of teh cultural context and the idea that the magician appollonius was also incorporated into the jesus story is another theory which is possible or likely.
what is important to consider is that as much of the jesus story that was added from other sources in order to make the religion more saleable, so too, much of the jesus material was eliminated in order to make it acceptable to both the greek and the roman cultures.
if the whole thing was invented and written down by the romans, then why did so many of the variants have to be eliminated? the nag hammadi texts and the dead sea scrolls were buried for good reason as the folks who buried them didn't survive in order to unbury them.
there was a real jesus, and there was a real christianity, and both were a threat to the established order, so it was taken over an romanized producing the results which icke accurately portrays and wich we a saddled with even until today. sure, it is a slave religion, but it was a rebelious and contemptuous slave religion before the romans sanitized it. some of those elements remain. the interpretation has not.
turning the other cheek is not a sign of submission, it is a sign of contempt towards the one who has struck you once. "go ahead wus, hit my other cheek, as if it matters to me." now that can be REAL infuriating to the person who has hit you.
as for me, i'll take phillip k. dick's version in the book valis over icke's any day. after reading valis, the unseen hand dragged me over to the real book, the nag hammadi. the aeon/plasmate is the core of it and the roman religion was of the authorites and rulers used to subjugate and control people.