New Age Nonsense And
'Save-The-Planet' Brigades
By Dr. J. S. Chiappalone <>
As we get close to the end of the century, many New Age Gurus and Groups are calling for collective prayers to heal this sick, sick planet. Well, a number of points can be made about that.
First of all, let me repeat quite clearly what my message is.
The planet is fatally ill. It is condemned by the Elohim and doomed. Viable consciousness has been almost totally evacuated and what remains will be allowed to self-destruct.
No Light will be left on the planet after November 1999, except for a few thousand warriors/workers using a special energy which those of evil cannot use. There is no way the planet can be healed or allowed to continue.
Those who refuse to accept this are not cognisant of the Divine Plan or reject it. They cannot be of Light. Their attempts to heal this degenerating abomination are not only futile, but they are, in fact, also exposing themselves as servants of Darkness in wanting to keep this hell going.
Apart from these points, there is a fundamental contradiction in their call for prayers to "save-the-planet" as I will now point out.
A fundamental tenet of the New Age is that there is no Evil, that all consciousness is virtually "God" consciousness, and we, as particles of that god consciousness, are experiencing in an evolving classroom in order to enrich the "God" consciousness with all sorts of experiences, even as some learn lessons on how to do things.
Well now, let us see where the contradiction lies.
If there was no Evil, as the New Agers contend, all would be of Goodness, of the Godly One. Hence, there could not possibly be a need to heal anything because each and every state would be part of the Godly-state, of Goodness, and of worthiness. Is that not so?
If everything that happened was of Goodness - because no Evil exists, according to the New Agers - it would be impertinent to try and heal that which is of experiential god consciousness in a realm of total Goodness and godly purpose. If this false scenario was true, then the calls to heal the planet would then be spurious, and contradictory.
We know that Evil exists, and the assertion that it does not is ludicrous. Think for one moment. Can you accept your wife or daughter being raped, or anyone being raped, tortured and murdered, as being part of any loving God's plan?</ FONT>
Can you really, really accept the fact that so many people, especially young children, are bombed into the next world by mongrels of War, all because of greed, as being part of the Goodness which will last forever?
Can you really accept that all those who perished in concentration and death camps were merely expressing the Goodness of God consciousness?
These very notions are sickening, are they not?
Besides, how many rapes, murders, exploitative plots, life after life, does this so-called New Age god consciousness need in order to learn about such atrocities? How many have to perish physically, crying desperately in their despair for Justice and Mercy, before such a false god consciousness has learned enough?
It appears that it has never enough, that it never learns, that it wants more and more iniquities and injustices, more pain, suffering and misery. Thus it appears that this New Age god consciousness has the properties of, not a God, but a Ghoul!! And that is precisely the Truth of it.
Another just as ridiculous assertion by the New Agers is that those who suffer have requested - God knows to whom - that they be allowed to experience such horrendous suffering. It would be comical if it was not so tragic. Can you really believe a woman would ask to be abused, raped, tortured and then have her throat cut just to please her god consciousness?
Do you really believe the millions who starve to death have chosen that way to die in order to celebrate the joys of god consciousness? Come off it!
And if the New Agers want to argue and say that those who suffer are suffering pseudo-Buddhist style Karma for previous transgressions, then that in itself is contradictory, for if all was, is, of the Goodness and Oneness, how can there be transgressions by the god consciousness experiencing god consciousness as they contend? Of course, their reasoning is false, false, false.
My point is that Evil exists, and it exists to the detriment of all of us except those of Evil.
So what are they attempting to do by calling on more and more people to get together and pray?
They are, in essence, asking for these people to give their energy to them, they who are exploitative demons, regardless of appearances on this level. They then intend using that energy pool to try and maintain the status quo which is, as you well know if you open your eyes and look about you, a fragmenting, decaying, punishing abomination, punishing to the True Beings in it, that is.
It is an eye sore to any who yearn for Justice. It is an expressive Hell where the True Spirit is suffocated until it dies of spiritual poisoning and starvation. Such a situation could not be allowed to remain any longer. And it will not remain. Besides, all their attempts to thwart the Divine Plan are useless. It is all but over for this world and those of Evil.
Their calls for prayers to the false god consciousness and calls for extensive assistance to heal this miserable planet are also signs of their impending despair, otherwise they would pray that "God's Will be done", and not for what they want to be done.
Hence, now that you understand some of the significance of these spurious calls for healing of the planet from these "Save-the- planet" brigades, know that they are acting contrary to the Divine Plan and are therefore enemies of the Divine. That can only mean one thing: they are of Darkness, and are therefore scheduled to perish in the eternal Abyss of Despair - all due to their own choosing!
(An edited version of a previously published essay)
"The Celestine Prophecy", a book by James Redfield, is New Age philosophy sponsored by a being called Ramtha who is trying to fool beings once again. How do I know that? How do I know anything?
Basically it is the same old spurious message that: *there is no evil; *there is
no judgement of the viable worth of consciousness; *humanity as a whole is elevating to a higher plane of consciousness; *each must surrender totally, unconditionally, to the (evil) universe; *one should not think of Evil; one should think only positive thoughts and all will be well; *humanity is only learning; *this world is a classroom, etc.
All these are false assertions and the book, although very popular - because it says things people who are evil want to hear - is really doing even the failures, the demons and robots who support it, a gross injustice, a gross disservice, for when they see that things are not going the way described in the book, they will be even more confused and terrified.
It is easy to see why it is so popular and so well supported by the counterfeit creation whose members are not called evil; it basically tells them that it does not matter what they have done, or will do, and it tells them that the whole of humanity is eventually moving up a scale, without assessment for injurious evil natures, without accountability, without responsibility.
This is exactly what evil beings want to hear. They resent being told that they are accountable or need to be responsible for the evil that they have committed. If one believes the nonsense in this book "The Celestine Prophecy" and immerses oneself further in the illusion, one will only increase one's suffering in the end.
If this dimension is a purposeful Divine evolution, why has it obviously been cut off from the True Source and allow to wallow in Hellish misery? No explanation for this is given in the book. If humanity is cut off from the Source, where does the universe get its energy to give to humanity? Where does the evil of the evil ones come from? None of these things are explained in the book which predicts that as humanity awakens it will see the beauty of this creation.
The truth of the matter is that as True Beings awaken more and more, they see the ugliness of this false creation and they see the demons in all their ontological nakedness around them, trying to exploit them in every way possible, and trying to spiritually assassinate them. This is the truth of the matter, for many have experienced exactly this and, in fact, as one awakens to the perception of the illusion of this plane, the evilness becomes even more obvious; one becomes impatient for some sort of correction. One sees through the bluff of the evil systems and sees how unjust and exploitative they are.
Although one does perceive some of the beauty trapped within this system from the original creation, what is more clearly seen is the ugliness and hypocrisy of this vile creation which must be totally destroyed.
How can anyone describe as beautiful the fact that: *up to 75% of the world's population goes to bed hungry, *two children die every three seconds from abuse, neglect or starvation, *so many rot in jails, *so many are subjected to the injustices of the exploitative demons?
How can one describe as beautiful those people languishing in hospitals, rotting with cancer or degenerative disease?
To the very last, the evil ones are trying to twist the truth and present the falsehood.
"The Celestine Prophecy" suggests that the Concept of Good and Evil is somehow a poor idea of the Middle Ages about how the world functions and that this concept is now defunct. It claims that this concept is no longer valid in the age of scientific illumination. But is that really so? Could it be that science is an evil tool which has been used to obscure the battle of Good and Evil and lead us into a direction of spiritual blindness?
Most of what science produces has evil effects. Hence, the answer appears to be "Yes". Science has obscured true knowledge and redefined knowledge in terms of destructive dead ends. Modern science has blurred our vision. For example, the Greeks knew of the atomic nature of the universe. They knew of other realms and dimensions. They knew of reincarnation. They knew of subtle energies and the subtle bodies. They knew of the classes of consciousness, each of which contains Good and Evil; and they acquired their knowledge from the Egyptians who had acquired it from the Babylonians, Assyrians and Akkadians who had themselves acquired it from the people of the Indus valley, from the Altaics, and so on.
The Ramayana, the story of Rama, speaks of the separation of the two creations, with a reward for those of Goodness, and eternal damnation for those of Evil. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the storybook of the Hindu god Krishna, are both esoteric accounts of the battle between Good and Evil.
Hence, the notion put forth by "The Celestine Prophecy" that Good and Evil and the battle between them was simply a Dark or Middle Age concept is not valid. All cultures knew of it. Zoroaster and Manichaeus wrote about it. Jesus and the Biblical prophets spoke of it.
Do not be fooled, "The Celestine Prophecy" is Ramtha (a splinter consciousness of Jehovah - the Evil Mind) in disguise confusing this plane once again. Indeed, Ramtha is an archon of the demiurge in disguise. Those who can truly discern energy will pick this up immediately on reading the book.
Awakening on this level leads to being able to see the ugliness of the illusion. There is no beauty in deception. Whatever beauty is perceived is that part of the Divine Mother's creation which has been trapped and abused by those of evil. _________
(Note - Comments are welcomed and encouraged)
Dr. J. S. Chiappalone <
PO Box 28
Malanda, Australia, 4885
From Jeff W. Griffin < 11-3-99
Dear Jeff,
I see a new story posted by Dr. Chiappalone. He still holds to the evacuation story about it being complete in November 1999. I notice with much interest that you and I are still here.
I also note with some amusement that the good doctor says at the bottom of his letter that he welcomes responses. I have emailed him several times asking him just what a "viable" is. Or how does one become viable? I have yet to receive a response.Surely he is a busy person. Still, when someone is facing possible personal extinction you would think that he could find somehow to respond or have a staff to respond.
At this point, I can't believe anything he says. As he does not offer any story (true or not) of how he was chosen for this position in the world of saving "viables" etc. how can one believe him? If you know of the answers to these questions then please address them on your show. Thanks, and keep up your amazing and informative show. I love it.
Jeff W. Griffin