What Are Those Objects
In The Trails? - Part 2

By Brenda Livingston
In "What Are Those Objects In The Trails?" Part 1 I described two different types of spheroidal shaped objects - one smaller and darker in shade which attaches to a larger white object within a certain type of persistent contrail or 'chemtrail' (I will refer to these trails as PCs).
The objects in combination (dark/white 'combos') or the dark objects moving independently then proceed out of each trail (containing hundreds of objects) performing various feats and activities in the atmosphere and at ground level. (see http://tracers/8m.com/tracers.html and http://tracers.8m.com/pcobjects.htm for photos and video captures of the 'combo' objects - and http://tracers.8m.com/darkobjs.htm for the "dark objects")
The dark objects line the exterior of the PC and soon after the trail is laid begin to seek out and "attach" to the rounded clumps of white material of which the white objects are composed. As few as two or as many as ten or more dark objects may surround the spheroidal white material - smaller amounts for two and larger amounts for more. The dark objects may not attach to this white material and may fly independently, swarm one another outside the PC or be seen hovering in nearby cloud linings.
The dark/white 'combos' may fly about independently swooping or moving in a straight-path in any direction at tremendous speeds. These objects may hover silently overhead at times seeming to bob, tumble or spin - .and may reverse or change course with the greatest of ease - .The dark/white "combos" may join other 'combos' in a variety of formations and conglomerate forms ('clusters'). (see http://www.rense.com/general54/amorph.htm and http://tracers.8m.com/pcobjclusters.htm).
A multitude of 'combo' objects may travel together separately in the sky moving from one area to another (often referred to as 'fleets') or these may interact more closely moving in close formations - one trailing after another ('trains') or gather in diamond shaped formations.
The 'combo' objects may also themselves combine to form conglomerate 'clusters' - combining the white material of two or more small 'combos' having now several dark objects attached to a larger combination object. In Anthony Wood's video "My Journey", a conglomerate cluster is caught on film moving close to ground level, the dark objects moving about the white material flaring up with heat and at times producing an intense reddish light flash.
The dark objects appear as dark brown to black to hazy grey at times, surrounded by a gaseous haze and appear to be releasing various colors streams of possible gases or chemicals. These colors are red, blue and yellow - which sometimes combine to produce purple, green and orange. Thought it is hard to estimate size, from comparing hundreds of pictures some taken near objects such as trees and aircraft, these dark objects appear to be approximately 2-4 feet in diameter.
These dark objects can change shape (morph) to a certain degree - some photos showing them to be in an oblong shape. In the best photographs and videos one can see small projections at times (particularly while interacting with the white material and flaring up).
Some of the dark particulate of which the dark objects are composed is released as they fly about one another particularly while 'buzzing' (moving very quickly around one another in close proximity).This particulate may provide an important clue as to the origin and creation of these dark ovoid-shaped objects.
There is growing evidence to strongly suggest a connection between at least some of the spheres producing various degrees of light and color at night and the "cloudy" objects moving out of persistent contrails by day.
A remarkable photo taken during the evening hours by Mark Olson (http://www.sonorasightings.com and http://tracers.8m.com/nighglow.htm) does appear to show a dark/white 'combo' object beginning to glow after the sun has set. One can readily see two dark objects on either side of a larger white one - the white object producing the low glow.
It is now apparent that the colored chemicals or gases contained in the materials of the dark objects can combine with the material of the white objects and produce light in the daylight hours. This light can be an intense flash or a more subtle glow. (see http://tracers.8m.com/glow.htm)
Phoenix Arizona has seen much activity ranging from sightings and video of dark/white 'combos'. See the wonderful shots taken by Jeff Willes of Phoenix at http://tracers.8m.com/tracers.html which show the flexibility of the materials of the white objects during 'combo' activity. Rich Giordano also of Phoenix has taken some interesting shots of these objects.
While certainly not limited to Phoenix (photos of PCs and these related objects have been taken over many countries all over the planet), Phoenix has had its share of observable activity - both day and night.
Jeff Willes' observation that the daylight photos that he took on the day of the widely observed and publicized Night of the Phoenix Lights on March 13, 1997 was recognized and featured by a local Phoenix television station. (see http://www.katmax.tv/phoenixlights.htm).
When comparing the daylight sightings/photos with those taken at night over Phoenix, several factors certainly seem to link these sightings - other than the fact that all objects are spherical in shape and relatively the same size.
The night time photos taken by Dr. Lynne Kitei and Rob Kritkausky both of Phoenix and the day photos taken by Jeff Willes and Rich Giordano Exhibit the characteristics seen in dark/white 'combo' objects in other parts of the U.S. and world: (see http://www.thephoenixlights.com/pages/03.html and http://tracers.8m.com/nighglow.htm for night photos and video captures)
(1) The dark objects can be easily seen in Rob Kritkausky's capture (at the NightGlow page above) appearing on either side of the glowing 'string of lights' which is comparable in position to the dark objects in countless other pictures of the PC related objects. In Dr. Kitei's picture, one can see with and without enhancement spheroidal objects on either side of a larger one - also comparable to daylight photographs.
(2) Several photos taken during the day of PC related objects show a substance or material connecting objects in a row or 'train'. Sighting reports of low glowing objects in a straggling line or chevron formation also include the description of all objects surrounded by an amorphous substance which connects the objects. In Rob Kritkausky's capture one can see what appears to be glowing substance connecting the string (or 'train") of spherical objects. (see http://tracers.8m.com/nighglow.htm)
(3) Rob Kritkautsky created an excellent animated model of the geometric patterns and motions of these glowing objects he taped moving across the night skies of Phoenix in 2004. (see http://www.worldblend.net/worldblendbu/phoenix_lights_gallery.htm). This string of lights match the pattern of daylight sightings and photos/videos of dark/white PC related "combos" in 'train' formations. The geometric patterns of the lights and rotating sweeping motions also are very similar to movements of the "combos' in multiple (fleet) formations in daylight hours.
I personally had the opportunity to witness a display of glowing lights in a straggling chevron formation passing overhead at night which had an amorphous slightly glowing substance connecting the objects. - and have witnessed and photographed a grouping of 15-20 white/silvery spheres moving overhead in similar patterns as the lights filmed by Rob Kritkausky - in Texas.
What is interesting is that during the original March 13, 1997 Phoenix Lights many observers witnessed lights moving past in similar formation - though many had difficulty distinguishing separate lights from a possible chevron shaped objects with lights underneath. Those with longer observations did see these strings of lights begin to shift positions indicating that these were indeed separate objects moving together in a long "train" like those seen in the daytime skies.
All this does seem to suggest that these may indeed be the same phenomena and all connected to those mysterious trails crossing our skies -
These objects may also account for the intensely bright colorful 'fireball-like' displays, air 'explosions' and strange fires seen during flaps of lights and unexplained objects in the areas. The heat and light capability of these 'combo' objects may range from a low glow or flash of light - to a fiery ball depending on the size of the white material - and number of dark objects attached. (see http://tracers.8m.com/mystfire.htm)
It is becoming apparent that the objects are created within the trails themselves. And it is the materials and chemistry that have contributed to this creation that form the persistent contrails and pseudo clouds and residual haze filling our skies - materials that degrade and disperse and fall to the earth below.
Any theory attempting to explain the dark objects that attach to the larger white objects/material would need to include explanations for flight, morphing capability, particulate trails, heat, light - and the chemicals and/or gases producing not only light but explosive bursts of light and energy.
One theory has surfaced which suggests that the dark objects are actually composed of smart nanoparticles or nanotubes - perhaps refractive or ferromagnetic materials - and like smart dust are pre-programmed to take various shapes - thus the dark objects ability to 'morph' or change shape to some degree.
These particles composing the dark object also contain chemicals/gases that can produce heat and light. These chemicals/gases which cause the dark object to flare up - appear also to have the capacity to ignite the (polymer) material that composes the white objects - producing a low glow to a brilliant light. This light which emanates from the white material of the 'combo' may reflect the color of the chemicals/gases (thus red, blue, yellow lights) or remain a white to goldish-white color.
These colors of the "dark objects" and at times flowing from them may represent a chemical change in them as they interact with different gases or elements in the local environment. Each color change may signal contact with one another or various substances - providing information to individual objects or those keeping track of them.
Another theory is that individual dark objects have specific types of missions and 'pathways' of navigation and require that 'signals' to be imparted to surrounding objects as to this information. The colored chemical material (or "tracer" may seep from the objects indicating its identity and pathway (for collision avoidance and other necessary information) -
A potential type of material that might account for the metamorphic shape-changing of the dark objects' material is magneto-restrictive materials such as ferrite or Terfenol-D which align within a magnetic field. This type of material could potentially withstand the high temperatures produced by these objects and conform with the observations of their ability to roam around or "buzz" one another and the larger white objects/material.
Have we artificial life (similar to the GOLEM project except far more complex) or perhaps an aerial "utility fog" inhabiting our atmosphere? Or might this be a much more mysterious proposition?
In order to produce or self-replicate, each dark object would have to have to capacity to create the particles to make hundreds of like objects. Video from several studies show dark/white "combos" objects or combinations/formations of "combos" moving through the atmosphere apparently creating objects (both dark and white) identical to themselves.
It appears that the dark objects on either side or surrounding the larger white object/material are exuding dark particulate material which forms a dark trail behind each as they move through the sky. Likewise, the white object is releasing white material which forms the core of the persistent contrail - the dark material on either side.
At some point, the dark particulate moves together into the ovoid-shaped dark objects which line up on the exterior of the PC. The white material emanating from the larger white object appears to form into rounded objects in the vortices within the PC and remain in these clumped spheroidal shapes until the dark objects locate them and attach.
The residual chemicals and materials remain within the PC until wind shear and the dark/white "combo" pull some of this residue out of the trail into the surrounding atmosphere (thus the strange colors and 'sundogs' as this material reflects in the sunlight). This material then appears to form the pseudo PC clouds - the white or dark flowing wispy clouds filling the sky after the PCs begin to dissipate. At times this material spreads and creates a white or grey haze obscuring the sky.
The dark objects appear at times to be solid objects surrounded by ionized gases and/or magnetic fields. At other times when in cluster combinations of several "combos", the dark objects appear to be loosely composed amorphous objects with hair-like projections as they move around the white object/material. Although remaining in roughly spheroidal shapes, they appear to break apart somewhat and combine to some extent with other dark objects in this instance.
During these episodes of "combo" clustering, the dark objects may flare up brightly producing intense heat and a reddish glow. Although other dark objects are nearby - they appear to be unaffected by individual dark object 'flare-ups'. The white object(s)/ material remains not consumed by the heat while directly juxtaposed to the flaring dark objects. The white objects/material does appear to glow or produce light simultaneously to the flaring up of the dark objects - at times producing a very bright flash of light.
The dark objects thus must not only be programmed to form into these shapes and perform the variety of flight acrobatics - they must contain chemicals/gases that produce heat and light without being consumed by it.
The white 'objects' appear to be formed within the persistent contrail from the material released by another similar object or object formation. (see http://tracers.8m.com/trailmakers.htm). Each PC may contain polymers and/or amorphous flowing material which is heavier than air - which seems to 'roll' into a spheroidal shape within the vortices and turbulence of the wake of the trail.
The theory about the larger white object containing polymers is based upon observations and related physical evidence. The long strands of sticky fibers and silicon looking 'flecks' that appear to fall over large regions are often accompanied by the PC related "combo" objects hovering or moving slowly overhead during polymer falls.
Like those reports from decades ago of web-like material coming literally from white spheres (see http://tracers.8m.com/ahair.htm), sightings of the long shimmering strands being connected to the "combo" objects seem to affirm these past reports. In the last month, I personally have witnessed the PC objects having long polymer strands connected to them.
One "combo" object moved slowly overhead changing shape and color - bright white to dark tones - while sporting a long (perhaps a hundred feet) strand of think shiny material off one side. In another sighting, I witnessed two objects moving together in tandem overhead - one white with dark objects attached - the other reddish. (see the fourth picture on http://tracers.8m.com/pcobjclusters.htm - a similar double object cluster)
These two separate objects appeared to be attached by a long thick glimmering strand of material. This does not prove by any sense of the word that the central object in these 'combos' were composed of this polymer material. It was possible that since this was during a polymer fall - and some of the material simply attached to these objects (although there have been in the past reports of white spherical objects 'shedding' web-like material).
What is most interesting is that upon close microscopic examination of the polymer strands, one sees tiny fibers interwoven to form larger strands. Most of these fibers are white - some almost stringy (and very sticky) - yet glisten in the sunlight. In some samples are scant numbers of red or yellow fibers - and intermixed within all of the fibers are often a few rounded "particles" (not uniform in shape).
One theory suggests that these are merely remnants of the 'dark objects' once they are 'used' and are dispersed into the atmosphere - simply falling with the polymers to the ground. Other theories hold that the polymers are chemical detectors - having sensors embedded within the fibers - Thus the 'particles' are either sensors turning color in reaction to atmospheric pollutants or other chemicals in the atmosphere - or pollutants themselves undergoing a chemical reaction for identification.
It is interesting to note that the colors of these few fibers and "particles" are the same as the colors exhibited by the 'dark objects'. And these same colors are seen within the strange pseudo cloud remnants of the unusual persistent contrails (or 'chemtrails'). .. reds, blues, yellows - and their combinations.
Several reports of the wispy PC 'clouds' of residue material moving down to ground level speaks to the unusual characteristics of these particular trails. Not only are there reports of the wispy cloud material on the ground, military personnel near a base reported a long persistent contrail at ground level.
During one such occurrence of PC material at ground level-- the white wispy cloud (wisps flaring upwards) descended upon a wooded area just before full sunrise. As the sun hit this strange fog in this low lying area, this PC cloud began to disperse and ascend - leaving a whole host of fluffy white balls of polymer material. This material covered the long grasses and the tops of brush in the area for a short time degrading in the sunlight.
Unfortunately no samples were taken but this material resembled other fluffy rounded material tested at various labs (see http://tracers.8m.com/ah.htm) These particular analyses state that similar samples over time were composed of protein amides, fatty acid amides and various hydrocarbons and volatiles. These materials could be related to those in artificially produced silk-like polymers.
If indeed this was a PC cloud and produced these spherical shaped clumps of material - it is a distinct possibility that this process may occur higher in the atmosphere.
And - it is important to keep in mind that the material composing the larger white spheroidal objects must be capable of sustaining a low to extremely bright light (possibly ignited by the dark objects) while not being consumed by the heat produced by the dark objects.
What is most mysterious is the 'cold core' within each of the white objects (could this be ice crystals caught up in this process in the center of the rolling process?) And might the release of these polymers and accumulated 'ice' at a later time account for the 'fall' of these materials or elements?
The idea that accumulated ice crystals could form into "ice balls" within the vortices of a contrail may not be as far fetch as it sounds. The so-called 'ice falls' of large rounded chunks of almost pure water with a minimum of contaminants have been reported from many parts of the world. Examination and conjecture by scientists in Spain, Italy and the U.S. differ as to the possible origins but one thing remains clear these chunks of ice did not originate from known aircraft and most fell on clear days.
"Megocryometeors" as these large chunks or balls of ice (ranging from 4 to 9 inches in diameter) are referred to by the scientists studying them appear to be similar to hailstones. Professor Jesus Martinez Frias of the Astrobiology Center in Spain determined that the samples of the ice falls which were so prevalent in Spain in 2000 and 2001 were almost 100% water similar to distilled water with only trace amounts of dust, ammonia and nitrates detectable.
In some yet to be explained way these mysterious balls of ice are formed and fall through the atmosphere without a cloud in sight. Normally hailstones are formed within a cloud drops of water freezing and getting caught up in wind currents which bounce them up and down in colder and warmer areas. This process adds layers of ice building a larger and larger ice ball which eventually falls to the ground as hail.
Because these large chunks of ice are seemingly formed in a similar way as hailstones --they must contain a large amount of water usually only found in clouds. Charles Knight of the University of Boulder Atmospheric Research Center states that "solid ice cannot form in the absence of thick heavy visible clouds."
David Travis of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater presents a theory that with global climate change layers of the atmosphere have greater differences in temperatures. When an aircraft contrail creates ice crystals these remain longer in more turbulent trails bouncing about between these layers of the atmosphere forming large chunks of ice which then plummet to the ground.
The problem with this theory is that aircraft trails likely will not move up and down thousands of feet between atmospheric layers to form the large pieces of ice. And how do these scientist explain how these heavy balls of ice remain suspended in the atmosphere for all the time it must take to create them?
One theory is that the sticky polymer strands and an unidentified 'milky' substance fill the interior of the trail (the dark objects in the lining) and as they are released into the atmosphere, the strands adhere together forming white spheroidal 'clumps' of material. The dark objects are programmed to seek out these rounded clumps and utilize it in some fashion, perhaps as a fuel or energy source. Some have suggested if human made that this material is used for remediation of atmospheric contaminants or pollutants, although all is speculation at present as to the purpose of the material.
As both the dark and dark/white 'combos' move through the atmosphere they appear to release some of their material (this shown in a variety of videos) the dark objects in the particulate trails and the white objects small 'globs' of material. If some of the material contained in the white object is thin strands of polymer, this is most reminiscent of sighting reports going back decades of white spheres releasing strands of "angel hair" which appeared 'web-like' on the ground. (see http://tracers.8m com/ahair.htm).
As this white material composed of thick sticky polymers and other milky substances are released and begin to roll together in the turbulence of the PC ice crystals may be caught up in the process the thick substances forming a protective and buoyant outer shell. The ice may roll and collect more ice slightly melting and refreezing as more ice crystals are added forming an icy core to the white material objects. Within a short time the dark objects locate the white objects and attach perhaps having the capacity to hold up the weight of the white material and the icy core.
While this is only a theory it does provide an intriguing solution to what may be producing the "cold core" seen in the middle of the larger white objects with the help of heat sensing film and softwareand may provide an answer to the "ice fall" mystery.
An Anti-Gravity Superconductor?
What is most interesting is that both objects appear to be surrounded by ionized gases (or a corona). This along with the appearance of 'hair-like' projections from the dark objects, the release of colored chemicals or gases and a 'cold core' within the larger white object suggests not only a magnetic or superconductor antigravity process (the gases and cold core as coolants), but an electro-chemical light producing one. (These possibilities will be discussed in a future article).
On examination of dark and white combos and combo clusters -- using various filters including those that reveal heat and cold temperatures of distance objects -- one thing remains consistent. The core of the larger white objects is cold while the dark objects range from ambient temperatures to very hot -- seeming to be in flames at certain points while attached to the white objects. Comparison of the sizes of the cold cores of the white objects and the dark objects show these to be similar in size.
In some images which reveal the heat of the dark objects and cold of the white object's core -- reveal what looks like a flame surrounding the dark objects...the white objects adjacent to them maintaining their cold core and the substance surrounding them remaining at background temperatures. This suggests that both objects can withstand heat and not be consumed by the heat and flames generated by the dark objects.
These combos and clusters have been seen, videotaped and photographed at altitudes of 20-40K to a hundred feet off the ground. Questions remain as to whether these cold and heat processes are active at all altitudes, temperatures and atmospheric conditions. It is clear that the cold cores of the white objects and the heat of the dark are active at lower altitudes. And one sequence of images suggests the possibility that at least the heat and flammability of the dark objects can be very active at approximate 20-30K.
Is this a type of antigravity or maglev process perhaps using a YBCO superconductor and magnetic field to keep these materials up in the atmosphere? YBCO is composed of yturrium (which is the red in the TV screen), barium, copper and oxide which along with other chemicals and gases, could be providing the ingredients for flight, propulsion and other attributes of these mysterious machines. The cold core could function as a coolant, similar to the way liquid nitrogen cools a superconductor.
It appears that after the dark objects 'attach' to the white objects at some point they release a flowing colored substance which may be the catalyst for the white objects to emit light perhaps heating the white substance that is surrounding the white objects. This is seen in photographs and videos of white objects with two, four or more dark objects attached. The larger the white object, the more dark objects can attach.
In a multitude of photographs and video captures, one can easily notice a luminosity and at times a prism effect running across the PC. With a closer look, at the beginning of a trail after a space, a dark line forming along the outer edges of the trail.
Soon this dark line separates into multiple ovoid shapes that spread out from one another along the edge of the contrail. Within the two (usually two) dark lines is a white substance which further down the PC forms vortices. As the vortices form, the PC substance or material appears to coalesce into rounded or spheroidal objects.
These may be the formation of these two distinct objects that seem to fill some PCs. How can this be? Nanotechnology and autonomous intelligent (smart) polymers and other materials may be at work in this 'creation'... all fully programmed to become the dark objects (autonomous aerial robot) made of 'smart' flexible and morphing materials that can generate heat and light and white objects composed of fibres/polymers with an icy core. Together these can produce superconductivity and antigravity flight.
Inexpensive, self-creating materials...creating self-replicating, self-reconfiguring, self-regulating robotry. All beginning with an aircraft filled with nanomaterials.... with some of the newly created robotry equipped with the capability of creating more PCs with more nanotech based robots.
Interestingly enough, this could also explain polymer falls and ice falls... when the white objects have been expended by the dark objects... what goes up must come down. Material such as 'smart' dust and 'smart' nanotech and polymers would simply disintegrate, subliminate or separate into microscopic particles and fall to the earth.
If these are human-made, potential missions might be to monitor the atmosphere, the weather, geological activity, pollution, biological/chemical threats, various experimental tests and chemicals within 'chemtrails'...and people....people who are seen as threats ...and all citizens (see my article http://www.rense.com/general47/uav.htm) for information on how UAVs and robotry can be used to conduct domestic spying.
The persistent contrails can be seen spanning the globe appearing to move from location to location. If this is indeed a government project, the sheer numbers of these objects (perhaps a hundred or more per trail) would make this a priority project costing billions of dollars, not to count the amount spent behind the scenes for research and development.
Those in charge of this undertaking seem not to mind the people of the world seeing and filming the persistent trails or objects. Actually, once the objects were recognized by a substantial number of curious videographers, the trails are no longer a convenient camouflage for the activity, but a focal point to obtain more information about the objects.
It is also most curious that those behind this project of magnanimous proportions are not concerned with dispersing thousands of objects into the airspace of multiple countries, friend or potential foe. Either there is an agreement amongst the countries involved for this activity to proliferate in their skies (which would allow a staggering amount surveillance and spying to take place), or the developers of these ubiquitous atmospheric invasion simply do not care that other peoples or nations know.
When studying persistent contrails themselves, one must distinguish commercial airliners and other aircraft that create PCs from those that produce the objects, which is no easy task. It is easier to search for objects in persistent trails and attempt to follow their activity.
Two incidents bare examination which may enlighten us as to the objects' mission or activities, although there are certainly more to draw upon. One was the events at Mt. Popocatapetl in 2001 and 2002 (see http://tracers.8m.com/poposeries1.htm) and the other the aircraft-object interaction with the Mexican Air Force on May 3, 2004. (see http://www.rense.com/general52/deff.htm)
An associate and myself had been visiting the Cenepred site (a camera set up by the Mexican government along with the US Geological Survey to monitor the volcano) with some frequency during this time. One day we noticed what looked like a PC related "combo" object in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This object had not been there previously"though we had seen other candidate objects moving across the screen on other occasions.
This object remained in the same position for several days. It was not noticeable at night but at first light either was dark or was a typical "combo" looking object with a larger white spheroid surrounded by two dark objects. Our guess was that when it appeared to be dark, it was facing another direction only showing the dark object on one side to the camera. We had seen this many times before as the "combo" objects spun out of the persistent trails or moved across the sky.
While this object remained relatively stationary and certainly not distant to the camera other 'trains' of objects (several objects in a row) began to cross over the lower ridge of the mountain in the distance and proceed toward the camera. Coming into view on the right side of the screen, these 'trains' of objects moved past the center (as we observed one frame at a time every 1-2 minutes) toward the left getting closer and appearing larger in size.
Following the same sequence over several days at about the same time every day "two object 'trains' would disappear off screen" and suddenly one would appear close to the camera (at about the same distance as the stationary "combo" object) at the top center of the screen. This 'train' consistent of three 'combo' objects closely nudged against one another. It moved downward on the screen until it moved just underneath the stationary object and then moved off screen. This was a repeat performance for 5 consecutive days.
It was interesting to note that the stationary object would begin to release a reddish substance from the region of the dark objects when approached by the 3 combo train. Likewise the members of the train began to release a bluish substance during the approach.
Could this substance be a chemical tracer for identification and collision avoidance, or a sophisticated communication process? The light flashing (perhaps likened to photonics) and the chemistry involved could certainly contain information necessary for these objects to carry out their missions.
What is apparent is that there is a programmed sequence involved in this episode for what purpose is anybody's guess. Why the 'combo' object remained stationary and most visible before the camera for this length of time suggests either an acute awareness of the camera by this object, or a total oblivion to it. The train of objects certainly were moving along a similar pathway every day at about the same time..and crossing near the stationary object.
One could conjecture that the stationary object was at a specific location to received information or exchange information with the 'train' of objects, a particular rendezvous point. Whether this information could have had anything to do with the volcano (i.e., monitoring gases or associated atmospheric changes, etc.) there is no way to know. But further monitoring of this particular camera is a suggested activity for researchers interested in learning more about the objects.
Reading the reports of the crew of the government aircraft over Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche Mexico on May 3, 2004 17:00 hour several clues about the objects becomes apparent: The objects were not visible yet were detected both on radar and an infrared camera (FLIR STAR ZAPPHIR II) used to detect aircraft in surveillance missions.
These objects appeared as spherical in shape -- some having smaller objects on either side of them; there were objects looking very similar to the dark objects associated with PCs; there are 'trains' in the FLIR video; these objects could only be seen via the infrared camera; and that these objects could out perform the aircraft in following the aircraft and being chased by it.
The fact that these objects could only be seen by the FLIR camera indicated that they produced heat, which is consistent with the PC related 'combo' objects. PC object-aircraft interaction has been reported with frequency, most single objects flying near the wing of an aircraft or moving around the contrail. It certainly appears that these objects can be seen at times in the visible spectrum but also captured only on normal or IR 35mm film or videotape.
The reported object-aircraft interactions have been more investigative and non-hostile in nature, although this encounter almost bordered on the playful, although the crew likely was not in a state of mind to appreciate this at the time. The objects were organized in their effects to surround the craft and follow without interfering with the aircraft in any discernible way. It became more like a game of tag than anything else, with the objects very aware that they were 'seen' by other than human vision.
This of course suggests intelligence and on-the-fly decision making as well as a high degree of communication capability. swarm intelligence.
These objects obviously have no trouble following and interacting with aircraft and are not adverse to be seen or detected by the general public watching from the ground or military 'sensing' the objects via radar, infrared cameras or other devices from the air (or space).
But the activity begs the question "why"? Why would humans go to such expense to race around and play tag with various types of aircraft with special UAVs or robotry in visible or invisible mode?
And, If a clandestine or Black Operation, why are these objects visible to the naked eye at all??
Another question that needs close examination is if these are human made "why is there no concern about violating the airspace of multiple countries (i.e., U.S., UK, Mexico, France, Austria, Russia, Japan, Australia, etc.) If these were a secret 'black project'", why are these visible at night flying in formation over populated areas easily seen and filmed by both civilian and government personnel?
If whomever is creating these objects wants to remain clandestine to gather data or information over specific areas at specific times why not use the 'invisibility' feature all of the time?
What stretches the theory that these are human-made (rather than naturally occurring or made by unknown intelligence) is the fact that these objects certainly appear to have been seen and filmed over the decades like 'angel hair' or polymer falls (which are associated with the objects).
Comparisons of these dark and white "combo" objects to white spheres witnessed and filmed in the 1950's show a great similarity suggesting that these objects have been proliferating in our skies for at least decades.
Film made by Navy Chief Warrant Officer Delbert C. Newhouse on July 2, 1952 appears to show multiple white spherical objects moving in formations very similar to those witnessed and videographed by Anthony Woods around Portsmouth UK in the early 2000s. The "fleet" footage of white spheres over Mexico in the 1980's and 1990's bear a striking resemblance to those filmed in the 1950's and current videotaped of the PC related objects.
All of these objects appear to be the dark and white "combo" objects most notably those with two dark objects on either side of a larger white object seen and photographed/videotaped forming and moving out of some types of persistent contrails.
Other film taken in the 1950's also appear to show a white persistent trail with a strange dark object in front of it and "combos" above and below this trail appearing and 'dissipating'. This certainly suggests that while there is a great increase in both persistent contrails from standard aircraft and possibly an increase in these unusual trails the object 'trailmakers' were creating these objects long before the trails caught our attention in the mid-1990's. (polymer falls or 'angel hair' and ice falls also have been reported for decades)
If this is so, was our military or 'industrial complex' in the 1950's capable of producing these mysterious objects - that can fly at extreme speeds, defy gravity morph into various shapes producing intense light flashes day and night?
The question remains: Have human-made robotry or artificial life attained this degree capability and can humans produce the amount of materials that could cover the global atmosphere with such technology - or are we making contact with someone or something other than human or human endeavor inhabiting these realms? The search continues -
Copyright 2005 Brenda Livingston --
Living-Tracers Enterprises (All Rights Reserved)


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