Dispelling Confusion - Part A
By Dr. Joseph Chiappalone MD

Tell me it is not so. Tell me truly that you are not confused, not perhaps a little and not perhaps a lot!

Alas, Confusion is the state most people are in at present. They don’t know what to believe.

Don’t focus on minutiae or details of the fragmentation. Look at the big picture at all times. For example, the Gulf oil spill, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, madness in various levels of society, the financial collapse, perennial wars, etc., are all details of the collapse of the Virtual Reality.

All of sudden there has been a massive explosion of new knowledge. Actually it is old knowledge that had been there all the time, but it was well hidden and is just now surfacing for all to see. It is emerging because the Virtual Reality is breaking down.

·        We all have to awaken to the lies, deceit and skulduggery that have been perpetrated against us.
·        We must all see who is who and what is what in preparation for the total annihilation of this absurdity called the Physical Dimension.
·        We must know exactly what has happened, what is happening and what shall happen.
·        We must all realize that the “world” cannot continue in this way.

·        We must realize collectively and individually that some will make it to a new existence but the majority will not.

Finally we will need to realize

·        How we have been fooled,
·        How we have been trapped,
·        By whom we have been trapped,
·        How we will be liberated,
·        By Whom we will be liberated,

·        When we will be liberated.

What sort of knowledge do we have, want and need? It is the TRUE Ancient Gnostic knowledge now available to us. As you awaken you will confront some or all of the points of knowledge that I enumerate below.

Reflect on each point for it is a window leading to an aspect of the Knowledge that will set us free.

As you contemplate each point, windows within your mind will open up and you will then assess your own truth within. My points are simply catalysts for you to active your awareness and gain what you need for this Endtime. We are all unique and need unique knowledge, so once you begin your awakening process, let you Higher Mind guide you. You will eventually find facts and figures, and outer mind knowledge are not really all that important.

Points of knowledge:

1                   Kept as Mushrooms: There has been a conspiracy to hide the Truth from the Common Man. We have been kept enslaved in Darkness, in Ignorance and Falsehood. We have been fed lies by dishonest ones and murderers of men and truth. We have been kept in the dark like mushrooms. Any who attempted in the past to give us the Keys of Reality were mercilessly slaughtered.
2                   This Physical Dimension is an illicit product of an experimental error. It is temporary and about to be dismantled.
3                   There are innumerable other aspects of the True Creation, but our awareness of them has been restricted by the mechanism that has kept us as mushrooms.
4                   Not Alone: We are not alone in the Universe. There is abundant evidence of alien visitors. Over 100,000 alien races have visited Earth and this has been confirmed by Babaji, a Being with Whom I work very closely.
5                   We are Spiritual Beings: We are not just physical beings. We have spiritual components. Some are of these spiritual structures are temporary and some are permanent.
6                   The Consciousness of some beings, even though that component is spiritual, cannot exist outside of this Physical dimension without special modifications.
7                   Robots: Some people are soulless robots. They have a physical body like the rest of us, but their consciousness is an artificial one which cannot exist outside of the Physical Dimension.
8                   Life after physical death: There is life after death. Advances in Thanatology aver this. Near Death Experiences, Out-of-body experiences and Astral travel are valid. Even University experiments have proven this to be so.
9                   Be aware that, unless you are a first time consciousness in a physical body, that is, you are a robotic consciousness recently created by the Evil Overlords (the Archons), you will have died and re-incarnated many, many times on this earth plane and in other locations.
10              Evil exists:  It is the cause of all our problems. The pain, suffering and exploitation, decay, degeneration and death that plague us are due to Evil. Evil created this Dimension. It is now being eradicated by a Process I have called the Final Solution to the Problem of Evil.
11              Demons, the sons and daughters of Evil, created totally of the Evil essence, are in human physical bodies, and in fact, in all classes of consciousness.
12              The Future is NOT in Humanity’s hands. A Superior Force and Divine Consciousnesses are rescuing the worthy Viables from the clutches of Evil. Humans cannot alter the course of events to any major degree. This negates any spurious assertions made by the deluded New Age Movement which is run by ignorant idiots and demons who delude the gullible.
13              Humanity, although sharing similar physical bodies, with variations of sex, colour of skin, race, etc., has many different consciousnesses within those bodies. I have enumerated the various types elsewhere on my website.
14              I and others have been outside of this dimension. In part, these visitations and their sequelae confirm the assertion that:
·        There is life outside of the Physical Dimension, and after physical death;
·        Higher Consciousnesses exist;
·        Other Dimensions outside of the Physical exist,
·        There is a set Plan affecting this Universe, unbeknown to most inhabitants of the Universe, including most Humans and Aliens.
15              Fragmentation of all physical things as part of the Rescue Plan is a reality. You need to critically examine the evidence, and not be an ostrich and bury your head in the sand.
16              Aliens and Reptilians live among us. More and more are now seeing them with their extended vision.
17              Psychic abilities, which we all have, but which we have generally been forced to forget in childhood, are being restored so that people can now see demons, aliens and reptiles in human bodies. This is very much on purpose so that we will all know who is who.
18              Giants existed in the not too distant past. They were aliens in the main. This is proof other extra-terrestrial races existed and visited earth. At times their genetic code breaks through and their progeny in human bodies manifests gigantism which is not the same as the abnormal hormonal state we often see.

19              The Speed of Light is not a constant, indicating that our Science and Physics are not accurate.
20              Bell’s Theory is no longer a theory. It has been proven and can be used to suggest instantaneous inter-dimension communication is a reality. The implications of this are shattering for ignorant fools such as Atheists.
21              The essence of Jehovah has been neutralized. That is the name given to the aspect of the Evil Principle in this age and in this area of the physical universe. Thus, as a consequence, all the structures this essence supported will now collapse.
22              The Essence of the Christ Light is back in a different form. The Christ Energy is the manifestation of the Supreme Consciousness that has often come onto this level to support those to be eventually rescued. Now, it is here for the final time to rescue the viable ones.
23              All Religions, with no exceptions, regardless of the original platform on which they were based, have become traps to ensnare spiritual awareness, and are devised and run by the Evil essence. They have snippets of Truth which they use as bait for Truth seekers. They are invariably run by demons.
24              Science and its handmaiden, Technology, are in essence against Spiritual Truth for they deny aspects of the Greater Reality and hide or eliminate the spiritual aspect of existence.
25              Modern Psychiatry does exactly like science does. It denies the spiritual dimension in human existence and in mental illness which is nearly always due to spiritual dissociation.
26              Humanity is far, far older than that given in history books. Evidence abounds. You can find it with a little effort. And, it is not a homogenous entity. It is now made up of 30 % demons and almost 70% of Robots since a mass spiritual evacuation that occurred in November 1999.
27              The major portions of Civilian Theomorphs, which numbered almost One Billion, were evacuated spiritually in November 1999. I wrote about it at the time.
28              Bishop Usher was wrong, wrong, wrong in his ridiculous estimation of the age of the world, and yet look at how many foolishly accept his assertion that the Earth is just over 4,000 years old. That point demonstrates the very dumb nature of some aspects of Humanity in general. Moronic, mindless robots is what they are and they will not be missed by anyone once they are transmuted for they have no innate spiritual value. On this level they are cannon fodder and space-occupying lesions, asserting by inference that being an imbecilic, lowest common denominator is natural to this evil world. And the Theomorphs succumb to being just like that when they are unawakened.
29              The Bible is a compendium of homilies, of distorted and inaccurate Gnostic truths mixed with some accurate facts, glued together with tainted history full of lies. It also contains stories, true and untrue, stolen from earlier civilizations such as the Akkadians, the Sumerians, etc. It was compiled by those who would fool the masses, and keep them in Darkness, for that was and is their role in this iniquitous Virtual Reality. We have evidence that evil ones continued the distortions in the 4th and 5th centuries at various Church Councils.

30              Zionism is Jehovah’s essence that rules this Planet and the entire Universe. That has now become obvious for all to see. Zionist essence and consciousnesses can be in any race, any creed, in anybody, and anywhere, anytime.  Just as an example, the Pope is Zionist, as is the Catholic Church in general.
31              AS I said above, this Dimension is an illicit experiment and was scheduled for dismantling shortly after its inception when the evil essence that was responsible for creating it in that experiment refused to apply the usual correction process to its error. In the Ancient Texts, it is called the Celestial Error.  It was created as a consequence of “The Fall of Lucifer”, “The War in Heaven”, etc.
32              Chemtrails, which we can all see, are a reality, and are dangerous to physical existence. People are waking up to their presence. Of late the evil ones are spraying them at night. They are used to interfere with proper mental function, thus dumbing populations down even more. Excuses were given by governments once people became aware of them. They included the assertion that they would shield Earth from excessive radiation and prevent further heating. Apart from their being neurotoxic, they affect the respiratory system deleteriously and one side-effect is the protrusion of fibres contained in the Chemtrails through the skin in some people. The condition is called Morgellons. It is real. It is not a neurosis as the mainstream Medical Fraternity would have you think.
33              There is a Eugenics program operating in order to eradicate the majority of humans from the planet. Chemtrails, HAARP, Genetically Modified Foods and Vaccines are some of the means to be for this culling.
34              Alien abductions and animal mutilations are real. The Internet is replete with accounts.
35              Colonel Corso was substantially correct in his book “The Day after Roswell”, wherein he exposed the duplicity of the US Government regarding the existence of aliens. Some poetic license is implied and necessary.
36              Jesus of Nazareth was a real man that accommodated the Christ Light inspite of the pseudo-scholastic attempt to deny his physical existence.
37              The Jesus Myth, with a dandified do-gooder who is said to have loved this evil, evil world, was created by the pseudo-Christian Churches and is a mockery of what Jesus really was and is. The Consciousness that was in Jesus has descended many, many times in all eras. It is the Consciousness arranging the Rescue and assuring the total eradication of Evil.
38              AS I said above, this Universe is a Virtual Reality in which certain ones, whom I have called Theomorphs ­ created by the real God, have been trapped in order that their innate Divine Energy (which only  Theomorphs have) can extracted from them by the Evil System by means of programming, pollution and indoctrination.  The Evil empire cannot exist without that energy.
39              Knowing the Evil cannot exist without the Divine energy from Theomorphs has led to the formulation of the Definitive Solution for the Problem of Evil which will lead to its permanent eradication: remove all Theomorphs and their energy from the dimension and cut off all other sources of energy. This is exactly what has been done. This evil dimension is running short of energy. That has resulted in various phases of fragmentation that we are now witnessing, and soon it will die an entropic death.
40              To sustain Viables until they are removed from the decaying dimension, a New Green Energy (NGE) has been introduced which Evil cannot use. This NGE neutralizes evil on contact.
41              Governments cannot be trusted for they set up and exploit their subjects regardless of truth and fairness. In the main, they follow evil principles and are dictated to by Evil Archons who are Class 5 (evil) beings that control every major governmental, religious and educational institution on the planet.
42              Big lies are easy to sell to the gullible masses, and they are used often. For example:   The reason for using Chemtrails, the reason for developing HAARP, the reason for using Genetically Modified Foods, the reasons for using (sterilizing) vaccinations in poorer countries, the reason for the Pearl Harbour attack; the false Myth of The Holocaust; the reason for starting the Vietnam, the Iraqi, the Afghan wars, etc., etc.
43              Our Sun is dying. Evidence for that statement exists. Our inability to convert precursors to Vitamin D as we could previously do avers to this.

44              Empirically, the Universe must end for it had a beginning as in the Big Bang Theory.
45              Humanity is not in control of its own destiny, or of any other process affecting Earth such as Climate change, the fragmentation, the Rescue of Viables, Governments decisions, Religions Dogmatism or the functioning of Secular institutions, regardless of arguments put forward by fools. It never has been in control.  It is an illusion we are allowed to wallow in. New Agers who advocate that humans control their destiny are deluded fools or evil liars.
46              Communication with other dimensions is possible and occurring spontaneously more and more. Cleanse and purify so that you too can communicate with Guides and Helpers from other levels and dimensions.
47              The basis of Modern Psychiatry is false. It is going to be of absolutely no help now that Terminal Madness is gripping minds everywhere as I predicted in the 1990s would occur. Most mental disease is due to spiritual disconnection. The solution is spiritual reconnection.
48              Demonic Possession is real. Those with psychic vision can see it occurring. There are well recognized mechanisms that allow demonic infiltration of a physical body. The use of illicit drugs, of hallucinogenics, sex with demons and Reptilians, are just a few of the mechanisms. Be careful what and who you let into your body!
49              Being able to see and hear things in the range beyond the senses called Psychic Ability, is not an illness as classified by Modern Psychiatry. The misdiagnosis of a normal spiritual state by those who are supposed to care for our wellbeing is a serious matter and going to cause even more problems as we progress. Alas, we are dictated to be those of “Cultivate Ignorance”.

50              God Consciousness is a reality. You will be able to connect to the Higher Divine Levels wherein the realization of the Numinous will become very real and detailed for you if you are one of those to be rescued. And God realization will be in preparation for your eventual rescue.


Copyright;  Dr J Chiappalone

May 13, 2012

Part B



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