Dispelling Confusion - Part B
Dr. Joseph Chiappalone MD

If you have not done so, please read Part A.

51 A state of confusion exists all around the world about what exactly is going on. More than that, people are now really concerned about possible outcomes for themselves, their families, their country. Deteriorating physical and mental states are making things precarious. Confusion is mixed with anxiety, depression, the onset of dementia in many, and MADNESS in all groups, expressing as hate, violence, road rage, dishonesty, terrorism, abuse of the elderly, abuse of vulnerable women and minority groups, of homosexuals, of the young, etc.

52 No longer is there respect in any measurable quantity. Demonism and immorality rule the day much to the chagrin of those who still have some altruistic and spiritual values.

53 The young are corrupted younger and younger by television, MTV especially, by pornography, by drugs, by peer pressure, by demons in their age group, and by the abandonment by their elders who can no longer cope. It is a truism that the young in the Western world are now fornicating even before they know each other’s full names.

54 It is in the midst of this maelstrom, which will become worse as speeding time passes, that I write these points in the hope of giving some of you the opportunity to Make Sense of the Madness that has gripped this planet and our existence in it.

55 These writings and all my writings are to awaken certain ones and prepare them for the inevitable changes that are upon us. The more prepared they are, the less their suffering will be, and the easier their transition to the New Dimension that I have mentioned previously. It will also facilitate the “start-up” in the New Dimension.

55 The fools will laugh and scoff, but who really cares? That is what fools do. The really good thing about them is that we won’t have to put up with them much longer. They will be transmuted and never appear again. So, let us continue with further points that will act as catalysts to your awakening and hopefully will help you immensely to dispel your confusion:

56 Stages of Awareness.
Previously I categorized people as being in one of three stages of awareness:
I The Prosaic Reality.

This is the reality in which live the lowest common denominators, the majority by far, the unaware robots and unawakened individuals, be they Divine or Evil.

· They accept without question what their ‘betters’ and those in power tell them.
· They follow their Religions without question.
· They believe History is accurate,
· They believe that Governments never lie or else do so for their good, and
· They believe that Science has all the right answers.
· They are putty in the hands of the evil Media, and can be used as slaves and cannon fodder without resistance from them.

As a result of collapse of the Virtual Reality in which we all live, the minds of this group are escaping the mechanisms that control them, and en masse they are becoming dysfunctional robots who will cause much angst as time passes. Thus, the measures governments are taking to retain them in due course in holding pens and to cull their numbers. Even though their minds are escaping the evil prog
Those in this reality have more awareness of life.

· They believe in UFOs and aliens;
· They are aware of psychic abilities and often have them.
· They are aware of astral travel, of other levels such as the Astral and Etheric Worlds;
· They see that the world is not what it should be.
· They have become cynical of politicians, of those in power, etc.
· They see through the lies of Governments, and Religions, and question History often, as they do Science also.
· They are suspicious of mainstream institutions and they take more responsibility for their health and wellbeing.
· Often they are into alternate therapies and have an open mind to more esoteric learning.
· Some of them suspect there is Evil but peer pressure thus far has held them down in awareness.
· They are awakening but as yet have not availed themselves of the opportunity to make the jump to be in the third category if they are viable.
· Most psychics who earn a living by giving readings belong to this category. Influenced by the deceitful New Age Movement and by such publications as The Course in Miracles, which I will discuss later, they are blinded to the existence of Evil. Not all of the psychics and few of the others in this group will make the jump to the third stage.

III The Supramental Reality.

Very few are in this last classification at present. But, this is where you, a viable, are heading to with my material.
· You will awaken to the True Divine Nous and be aware of this Supramental State in due course.
· You will have a full understanding of the Celestial Error, of the entrapment of Divine Beings in this Evil System, of the need for Rescue and the total eradication of Evil.
· In this reality you will KNOW that Evil exists and that it must be eliminated.
· You will be aware of, and see, Demons in our midst in human bodies.
· You will be imbued by True Universal Love and not be blackmailed by evil-created emotions.
· You will recognize the blackmailing, fear-engendering, Emotional Love as a tool of Evil to trap us in exploitative states. It is mainly hormonally based but can be engendered and enhanced by the programming of needs. And, it is self-corrupting.
· You will become aware, and be nurtured by, the New Green Energy of which I have spoken previously.
Go back to the essays and books I have written previously for details of these things I mention briefly here.

57 Atheists are idiots. It is egotistical nonsense that allows people to state there is no Consciousness superior to Man’s. They can be EVIL idiots who are programmed to hide truth or else they are deluded fools whose Evil-created EGO is far greater than their ability to reason. I will waste no more words on this topic. They are fools and idiots.

58 Cultivated Ignorance: Atheists and mentally programmed morons in all classes, through all businesses and industries, governments, medical institutions, educational ones, especially Universities, have the brazenness of assertive authority which is really bogus. They bully people with their nonsense and are the elites with “Cultivated Ignorance”. And they spread their nonsense with an Arrogance that is truly frightening for the awakened ones.

59 The best example I can give is the Psychiatric Fraternity which has, in the main, dispelled all valid notions of spirituality when assessing mental function and mental disease.
In these times of increasing Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of course most of theses professionals have no idea how to cope with the fragmenting minds, for they have ignored the basis of the problem. And yet both Carl Jung andWilliam James, whom many see as the Fathers of Modern Psychiatry, based their beliefs and conclusions on the spiritual implications in the causality of mental illness.

60 Reincarnation is a fact. All Gnostics believed and continue to believe in it, if they are true Gnostics and not the sham Californian Gnostics who don’t even know the true meaning of the word.

Many other historical groups including students of the Kabbalah. Hermetists, Orphites, Neoplatonists and Manicheans. Hindus and Buddhists, etc., all believed and still believe in it.

There is still evidence in the Bible that belief in it was there, but it was incompletely expunged at the Councils of Nicaea.

There is a great deal of Medical Evidence for it now, as well as historical and anecdotal evidence. The reasons why we do reincarnate are sinister. Go back to this topic in my books and read why I say that. For research purposes the book Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by psychiatrist Ian Stevenson is a good start.

61 Near Death Experiences (NDE) are valid experiences inspite of the negating rants of Scientists of the “Cultivated Ignorance”. Experiments have now been done to exclude all poisoning factors, used by the ignorant ones, to deceitfully explain away the spiritual aspect of such experiences.
Very young children don’t lie, and their evidence of such experiences is an eye opener. The work of Dr Melvin Morse on this topic is invaluable. See http://www.near-death.com/experiences/experts06.html

62 People who have undergone Near Death Experiences awaken with greater cerebral lucidity, far greater psychic abilities, greater understanding, and love, of life (existence) and greater inner awareness of the existential meaning of things IN ALL CASES. That would hardly be the case if the experiences were of a dying, toxic brain attempting to delude itself like the ignorant fools would have us believe. Use this example if you must of the absurdity of those with the “Cultivated Ignorance”.

63 While the Near Death experiences are real, they are still experiences of a Virtual Reality within the Virtual reality. I have explained this in detail in my books.

64 BTW, as you have probably come to realize, Evil is an active, self-aware, menacing Consciousness. It is destructive and extremely exploitative entity that became activated in the Celestial Error. It should never have reached that stage.
Evil is not simply the absence of Good as the demon Augustine of Hippo, a Doctor of the Pseudo-Christian Catholic Church declared. You know he is a demon, having been rejected as such by Manichaeism of his time, if you can read energies of beings such as him, of past or present times. He introduced the concept of “JUST WAR” which is an excuse to harvest energy for the demon Jehovah.

65 What I have just written above about Augustine leads to a very important axiom.

One other very effective mechanism Evil has for harvesting energy, apart from continual pain, injustices, misery, wars and strife, is the Mechanism of KARMA. It very much exists, so don’t argue about it. But, Karma is not dispensed justly. Are you surprised? Of course you are not. As I just said, Karma is an Evil-created scheme. The aim of the whole Evil System is to extract energy from certain beings. Hence, the Essence of Evil, which is a self-aware, active Consciousness, uses this ploy of Karma to unfairly target those who have energy to be extracted.

67 Ignorance is NOT Bliss:The fact that we don’t recall past lives makes us easy prey for exploitation. You will find Theomorphs are the most unfairly targeted by karmic consequences, whereas the Demons and Reptilians, including the Archons, seem to escape unscathed. What else would you expect in an evil system?

What the Buddha is reported to have said about karma is distorted. Remember that his sayings were passed on orally for 500 years before anything supposedly resembling what he said was written down. You know the joke of the message being passed on along a line of ten soldiers. By the time it reaches the tenth, the message has no semblance to the original. Imagine what would happen to hundreds of sayings orally passed on over 500 years to peasants with little innate understanding of metaphysical reality.

68 The Lords of Karma, forming a supervisory Board, is an evil concept of the Archons dictating who is to be punished and who is to be forgiven. There are no such individuals as Ascended Masters.
This is New Age BS formulated by Alice Bailey and the Archons. Bailey’s concept of a “Unified Society” aka “A New World Order” and a “Global spirit of Religion” should warn you that she is being dictated to by the Archons who make up her “Tibetan” guide and the elders in the mystical caves of Shambhala. Yes, it is an evil sham all right. Can’t you see her writings are to prepare the way for the New World Order and for the Culling being planned?

69 The Physical bodies, all of them, have a Filtering Mechanism by which all memory of past lives and time spent by the consciousness in the Astral and Etheric planes, even while we are “alive” in the Cardboard boxes, is blocked from reaching the lower, conscious mind.
This Filtering Mechanism makes it very difficult to know who we are, what we are doing here, and what we have learned from past lives unless we learn to bypass the lower mind and connect to the Higher Spiritual Mind. Most cannot do this, as they have no Higher Spiritual Mind.
That blockage by the Filtering Mechanism is an evil method of keeping us as Mushrooms. As I said, it can be bypassed and it will be bypassed by those who enter the Phase of Supramental Reality. It was after I had written about this Supramental Reality in my books that I found such a state had been tangentially predicted by the German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche who said ‘Man is something to be surpassed’ and directly by the Indian philosopher Shri Aurobindo.

Here I reprint an extract re Aurobindo from Wikipedia:

Triple transformation of the individual

Sri Aurobindo's argues that Man is born an ignorant, divided, conflicted being; a product of the original inconscience (i.e. unconsciousness,) inherent in Matter that he evolved out of. As a result, he does not know the nature of Reality, including its source and purpose; his own nature, including the parts and integration of his being; what purpose he serves, and what his individual and spiritual potential is, amongst others. In addition, man experiences life through division and conflict, including his relationship with others, and his divided view of spirit and life.

To overcome these limitations, Man must embark on a process of self-discovery in which he uncovers his Divine nature. To that end, he undertakes a three-step process, which he calls the Triple Transformation.

(1) Psychic Transformation -- The first of the three stages is a movement within, away from the surface of life, to the depths, culminating in the discovery of his psychic being (the evolving soul). From that experience, he sees the oneness and unity of creation, and the harmony of all opposites experienced in life.

(2) Spiritual Transformation -- As a result of making the psychic change, his mind expands and he experiences knowledge not through the hard churning of thought, but through light, intuition, and revelation of knowledge, culminating in supramental perception. Light enters from the heights and begins to transmute various parts of his being.

(3) Supramental transformation -- After making the psychic and spiritual change, he makes the supramental and most radical change. It is basically a complete transformation of the mind, the heart, the emotions, and the physical body.

Supramental existence

Sri Aurobindo's vision of the future includes the appearance of what may be called a new species, the Supramental being, a divine being which would be as different and superior to present humanity as humanity is to the animal. It would have a consciousness different in kind than the mind of the human, a different status and quality and functioning. Even the physical form of this being would be different, more luminous and flexible and adaptable, entirely conscious and harmonious. Between this supramental being and humanity, there would be transitional beings, who would be human in birth and form, but whose consciousness would approach that of the supramental being. These transitional beings would appear prior to that of the full supramental being, and would constitute an intermediate stage in the Earth's evolution, through which the soul would pass in its growth towards its divine manifestation as the supramental being in the earth nature.


I am extremely close to Aurobindo in a number of ways. I go further with my information concerning the progress to the Supramental state. He was not to reveal more, for it was not time. The new information is the Message of the total disintegration of the Physical.

It is to be noted that many Indians, and other nationalities, revere Shri Aurobindo as an aspect of God. Yes, he was an Avatar as was Nietzsche.

70 Earth is NOT a classroom. Surely this inability to recall what we have done, who we are and what our reason for existing is, and for just being here is, must go a long way in dispelling the notion that Earth is a classroom and that we are here to learn.
We live in a hostile, exploitative environment set up by Evil where the modus operandi is DOG EAT DOG, whether you want to believe it or not. This is so on an individual level, group level, family level, community level, national level and international level. The clearest recent examples I can give you are the ‘murdering assaults against Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya in recent times. They had oil. The USA wanted that oil. Ergo, destroy Iraq and Libya with any lie and prosper. That is Evil’s way.

Let’s go closer to home:
· How many of you reading these points are really anxiety free?
· How many of you are NOT depressed? The degree of depression has reached epidemic proportions. It is not a joke that doctors are claiming everyone should be on anti-depressants, such has the quality of life deteriorated for so many, in so many countries, and in so many ways.
· How many of you have health, wealth and peace of mind in abundance?
· How many have to drink alcohol until they are numb just to try and cope?
· How many smoke tobacco and marijuana, take powerful hallucinogenics and illicit drugs, opiates, spend hours watching porno, visit prostitutes, just to get by, day in and day out?
· How many contemplate suicide? Why do you think suicide rates are rising exponentially?
· In an Evil environment, and remember, this is an Evil environment in which we live, all you learn, if you allow yourself to fall victim to the fear, misery and relentless exploitation, is how to induce fear, how to exploit and how to be miserable.
· In other words, Evil can only teach one how to be evil. Is that a godly thing? Is that what classroom Earth is all about?
· The demons do very well for they exploit relentlessly on this level. They love being on this level,. Hence, they don’t want to disturb the status quo.
· They exploit individually and via organizations such as Government departments, Health services, Educational institutions, Religions, in jails, via Banks and Finance companies, the Armed Services, etc., etc. Americans now know all about ruthless, unrelenting exploitation by Government, Banks and Financial Institutions, right? In a few short years, due to the unchecked greed of demons, the wealthy Middle Class in the USA has all but disappeared. That, dear American cousins, is Evil at work, and you have had a front row seat. Tell me now that you deny Evil exists.
· Shakespeare, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, and many others were spot on when they inferred that EVERY profession is a conspiracy against the common man! Why is that? This state of affairs, this stage of fools, suits evil ones fine for they gain energy. And that is why they are shocked to hear that an end to their pilfery is being called.
· Many may want to argue with these statements, so I will give a simple example. Capitalism is the main system of progress everywhere. It can only exist by exploitation. Look at the wealthy nations. They can only exist by exploiting lesser nations. It gets easier: America is wealthy because of its exploitation of other poorer nations, by exploiting its Blacks and Hispanics who are slaves in the most successful Capitalist Society in the world. You are deluded if you think you are not exploited. Of course demons do the exploiting. Hence 30 % of the population who are demons think life is wonderful, for they mercilessly exploit the rest.

If you do not see that, you are still in the stupor that the Evil Essence and its Virtual Reality want you to be in.

Alas, if you are to spiritually survive, you must now make every effort to awaken, for time is shortly to be no more on this level.
To be continued……

Copyright Dr J Chiappalone
May 16, 2012

Part A



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